Wednesday, November 24, 2004

State of Being Adrift

Back at home again for Thanksgiving holiday. It wasn't so long ago that I was here so why have I forgotten how it works? Bored when I'm at home yet feeling guilty to be away. I guess that's what happens when you visit home at age feel like you're on a leash. Plus, I'm generally depressed for the usual reasons.

It's been a decent week, at least, though. Uncle Hector is still bouncing off the walls (getting his photo in the archive is a high priority), grandfather is coherent enough to talk about why I shouldn't waste money seeing Alexander, and I've gotten to see lots of friends that I wish I could see every day (sigh). Hmm...maybe downgrade "every day" to "more often." Much more often...yeah, that's about right. Had three drinks without throwing up (it's coming back, baby!) and generally, well...decent, not spectacular. Blah. Next paragraph.

Have I mentioned Mr. Brian on Ice Climber before? If not, then congratulations, I'm gonna talk about you now!! I am excited about Brian's new girlfriend because, quite frankly, the 18-year old, smoking, swim instructor wasn't cutting it. So, B, bask in your newfound compatibility and ride the coaster 'til the ride stops.


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