Saturday, October 23, 2004

The Streak is Over

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This morning, I read the SFGate website to get a little news from the Bay Area and they had some strange photos. You can see here it's some cops on the BART but not just normal unis. These guys were outfitted in SWAT gear and had some pretty large a little too large for a holster. The article said the cops were doing "high-profile" patrolling in order to deter terrorists. That's all well and good, except I think the terrorist paranoia is a bit excessive. Guns freak me out, regardless of who is carrying them. And if the cops are gonna be doing shit like this, with a "nonlethal" weapon, then I sure-as-hell don't want them walking around with an AR-15.

It looks like the streak of going out on Saturdays will be snapped this weekend. There's a pretty good chunk of work to be done this weekend, plus job applications, research and good ol' laundry. My streak of touring around Seattle will be snapped this week, also. On Friday, I was supposed to go downtown to explore and get a feel, but I did something academic instead. I went to a lecture on multicultural education. It was great. The speaker explained how "public" is a dirty word in the U.S. and that we are retracting our support for public schools in our efforts to find the best education for our children. We can't abandon public schools, though, because an effective, well-functioning school is an investment that provides many returns for society. There was more, too. It doesn't sound as exciting as an afternoon in downtown Seattle (or maybe it does!) but it's good to enrich yourself every once in a while, you know?

"No, really, I paid my fare!!"


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