Tuesday, October 19, 2004


I'm having some serious difficulty with my thesis topic. I'm in the department of Curriculum & Instruction and I want to discuss international schooling but my focus is science education. It's difficult to narrow the topic down to science teaching because I want to talk about the ownership of such schools, the educational benefit from multicultural exposure that so many students never receive, and resource issues. But that stuff can't be more than an introduction to the real topic which has to be something like an examination of abstract chemistry. Multicultural exposure (like everything else) is more fun than abstract chemistry. I'm beginning to think maybe I made the wrong choice in programs. Not the School of Education, mind you...I really enjoy this program and I'm getting a lot out of it. But the focus on science education isn't really my passion. Science is so, so important and science performance in school is an indicator of future economic success (if that matters to you and I know it matters a little bit), but to develop as masterwork as I'm supposed to do this year, I think a bit more interest is necessary.

Okay, Changing Lanes like Ben Affleck and Samuel L. Jackson, I want to make a few predictions. First, baseball is shit. But I must say that this Yankees/Red Sox series is pretty fucking captivating and I will be watching Game 7 to see who wins. There really is a parallel to Bush and Kerry. Bush is certainly the favorite in the presidential race and I think most people never really doubted that he would lose this election, but now it seems there is a sliver of chance he'll lose. If Red Sox/Kerry wins, it's not like the most likeable team/greatest citizen ever to triumph/lead, but it will be truly a moment to savor because the trend of Yankee dominance/Bush administration lunacy will finally be sealed...for one year/four years, anyway. Also, as far as sports in general, you have to root for Boston to come back from 0-3 down. I mean this happens so rarely, if ever. I even think they'll win the World Series afterward despite being so beaten up. Which reminds me of a chance for self-promotion: I'll let you know that I predicted the Eighth Wonder of the World. That is, I predicted the 1999 8th-seeded Knicks to advance to the Finals, which had never been done before by a team seeded so low. It was scientific...The Knicks faced the #1 seeded Heat in the first round and they had a bitter rivalry. But the Heat wouldn't have been able to concentrate because of the bad blood. Miami (I hate that word) would have beaten anyone except the Knicks. After Miami, the Knicks would face either the Hawks or the Pistons (this was a time when the Pistons weren't as good as today and the Hawks weren't completely horrible) both of whom were afterthoughts. Then there came the Pacers who have been strong for a long time but, well...I don't have a good reason but I chose the Knicks. Sooo...what's the point? Boston wins because great stuff ought to happen. Bush wins because great stuff doesn't happen in forums that actually matter.

Ohh, why so pessimistic? Cheer up!


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