Monday, February 28, 2005

News and Basketball Philosophy

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At my desk this Monday afternoon enjoying the graduate student cuisine of instant oatmeal and Diet Cherry Vanilla Dr. Pepper. To be honest, the stove has been hopping lately. Yesterday I finally made that Italian sausage sandwich I had envisioned for several weeks after seeing Rachael Ray prepare it on 30-Minute Meals. A sourdough roll and your favorite basil-infused sausage link, both sliced in half lengthwise, saute some onions and red bell pepper, throw the bread in the pan for awhile to toast it then stack it: bread, provolone, sausage, sauteed veggies, sprinkle black pepper, bread. The cheese will melt from the heat of everything else and you're left with a gorgeous-looking, filling and totally unhealthy summit of tastes. So good that I made another one for breakfast this morning.

This morning in class my professor took some time after the lecture to impart some wisdom. He told us that he had open-heart surgery before the start of the quarter and that he had taken the time to reflect on life and what is important, as I imagine many people in life-threatening situations do. His field is wildlife biology and it is his passion but, he said, the important things in life are one's relationships. With friends, spouses, parents, lovers, colleagues and even strangers. Even God, he said, although I amended that to a relationship with oneself. The relationships don't all have to be positive; it's naive to imagine we each can be friends with everyone we meet. But he said to let others know how you feel. My professor took the opportunity to talk with his family before his surgery and he felt it was a liberating experience, and he felt lucky to have the chance to talk to them after the surgery, too.

Maybe relationships are like cultivating flowers in a garden. Actually, no, because there's effort coming from both sides, not just the gardener tending to his plants. No metaphor offhand, but regardless just gotta maintain those relationships so they don't become wilted flowers...although it's not a I rambling now?

It's 11pm now...had to go to work before I could finish this. Also, I'm drinking Pacifico. Just giving you setting. So this post was supposed to be about basketball as metaphor for life. I've been playing well recently but this stuff runs through my head all the time. There are a few maxims of basketball I keep in mind that translate to real life:

1. Keep Everyone Involved - a basketball team is very dangerous when every person on the floor is a threat to score. So even if there is a weak link on the team it's important to get him or her an easy bucket so that the defense has to pay attention. The opponents will win if a team doesn't take advantage of their double-teaming. So, for life, this is essentially bringing the disadvantaged along with you. Everyone has something to contribute.

2. Hustle and Play Defense - I think defense is easier than offense; be responsible for your man except when there's an immediate threat to score, then you guard the basket. On offense one must set screens on and off the ball, switch directions, crossover, pump fake and move in $ynchrocity with one's teammates. The point, though, one can't be ignored over the other and both must be done well. In life, we are all capable of great things so why not do them? It's like Justice Page from last week excelling in the NFL and becoming a state judge. Do it all and do it all with excellence.

3. Feed the Hot Hand - When someone is hot let him take can make the game really easy. What this means in life? Umm...uh...give recognition and support when deserved?

4. Be a Good Sport - Because it's just a game. Compete, exert yourself and experience the thrill and agony, but in the end be able to laugh, smile and be content. I think that's life lesson-worthy. James Worthy.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

is diet cherry vanilla dr pepper all it's cracked up to be? any brand that uses a muppets song to entice drinkers is appealing to me on some level. but from one grad student to another, should i be indulging? i'm not into soda for a drink, but more as an after dinner dessert sort of thing.
and rachel ray is my hero. i just like watching her cook, rather than actually making anything myself. she's so cute.

9:24 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

is diet cherry vanilla dr pepper all it's cracked up to be? any brand that uses a muppets song to entice drinkers is appealing to me on some level. but from one grad student to another, should i be indulging? i'm not into soda for a drink, but more as an after dinner dessert sort of thing.
and rachel ray is my hero. i just like watching her cook, rather than actually making anything myself. she's so cute.

9:25 AM  
Blogger whatupthen said...

Well, since you asked...

That DCV Dr. Pepper takes a bit of getting used to, but it is actually pretty damn good. Hey, did you know that DCV Dr. Pepper tastes more like Regular CV Dr. Pepper? Of course not, because it doesn't exist...I don't think.

And, yeah, I want to meet Rachael Ray. Even if her wild spirit couldn't be tamed I could learn where to buy some badass vegetables.

9:41 AM  

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