Thursday, February 17, 2005

Sugar Sugar Candy in my Mouth

Those of you who know me personally know that my favorite candy is Brach's Marshmallow Eggs. The label actually says Bunny Basket Eggs but I'm too hard to allow those words to escape my mouth...yeah, right. As if marshmallow eggs sounds any better.

So, after work I walked up to the grocery store to buy celery and carrots for my soup. Oh? You'd like background information? I never cook much here in Seattle because I don't have good supplies or utensils in the apartment. And that's still the case, except last weekend I bought a medium-sized pot and a long-handled spoon. I also bought a dress shirt, cream-and-brown Pumas, five pairs of socks, two pairs of corduroy pants, a red ceramic bowl and Prince of Persia for the PS2, but that's besides the point. Now I have what I need to cook rather than just prepare my meals. Very exciting. I decided to start with egg drop soup like I used to make last year and it's only fitting since I live in an apartment full of Asians. My roommate from China, whose name I can't remember and who is probably considering moving out after last Sunday's Audio Post Blowout, cooks nearly every day. He'll flip when he sees me in the kitchen using something other than the microwave. Perhaps I'll let him taste my soup so that he can appreciate his own ability even more.

Back to the story, though, I walked in Safeway to find some veggies but out of my eye I caught the cardboard holiday candy display. I'm picky about my candy so normally this wouldn't mean much to me except the display was unmistakable sign that the Easter candy season had begun. Knowing Safeway doesn't sell Brach's Marshmallow Eggs, I dropped my basket on a checkout counter, left the store and walked directly across the street to Walgreens. "Are they there? Is it too early?" No, man. No, it's not too early. February 17...instead of vegetables, I bought my first 3 bags of Easter candy. I swear, this might be the year that shit kills me.


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