Saturday, March 05, 2005

Identity Show

I haven't been thinking about it as much as before, but still I haven't skipped a day. Still I feel tread upon. Betrayed, then ignored. Still I am so angry. Still I do not understand.

But such is life, I suppose. Tonight was the MIXED UW Spoken Word Show. It was excellent. Especially those teenage poets with all of the angst and vivid emotional storytelling. Teenage angst is cliched, I know, but the way these kids channeled it into sound, clever writing and performed it onstage was tres impressive. Of course, it isn't a good idea to always wear one's emotions on one's sleeve, but I always appreciate people who can get angry, genuinely excited or otherwise passionate about something. Also performing at the show were Jevian (whom I've seen a lot of in the past week and a half, it seems. Interesting how different people just sorta ebb and flow in your life) and the dude who stands outside the student union every day with the giant wooden sign extolling (?) people to praise the Lord. He's like Y'Shua or The Hate Man in Berkeley...the same guy is in every big city, you've seen him. Anyway, he wasn't so bad, nor was he so frightening. Maybe next time I pass by him I'll congratulate him on his performance. You've always gotta give credit for a person who goes up on stage. Whether you're shaking or soaking it up it takes a lot of guts.


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