Monday, June 07, 2004

Personal Interactions

Even at the ripe old age of 23, I'm still very new to the boyfriend business. Plus, while my relationship with my girlfriend is enjoyable -- no, scratch's the fucking BOMB -- the long-distance nature of it has not really accelerated my progress with some of the physical aspects of dating. I'm not even talking about sex (although if YOU want to talk about sex feel free to leave a comment). I'm talking about the little, physical, public interactions between a man and a woman that lets everyone know they're together. I'm talking issues of personal space, here.

I'm just slightly concerned that I'll have very poor girlfriend interaction skills when she and I reunite this summer because none of my interactions with women during this school year have been of the girlfriend type. For clarification, here are some of the ways I've acted in various situations up here:

To a female classmate: "You've been teaching for 15 years?? Wow, that makes you...40, huh? Hey, I gotta catch this bus."

Joining a young woman out to dinner: " brought your wallet, right?"

Playing basketball against a young woman: "GET THAT SHIT OUTTA HERE, BIAAAAATCH!!!"

I'm sure you can understand my concern as none of these interactions are really suitable if I want to remain in a relationship. Maybe for pleasure reading this summer I can take in "Dating for Dummies."


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