Monday, May 24, 2004

The Energizer and the Plan

I'm gonna be up all night. Got a paper due tomorrow for Children's Environmental Health about the effects of supercaffeinated beverages. You know, your Red Bulls, your AMPs, your Sobe Adrenalines...there's a million of them. I've even learned there's a Nelly-sponsored drink called Pimp Juice. Well, in the name of research I've kicked back 3 of these badboys tonight. Just hoping they can keep me going til 5-6am; I'm in no mood for the 24-hour shit tonight. Wow, my leg is totally shaking...I feel like Thumper. Hmmm, maybe that's not a good analogy.

One of these energy drinks I gulped down was a Jolt Espresso. On the label it says it's a coffee-cola blend. It's kinda like coffee-flavored Coke if you can imagine it; similar to Vanilla Coke, I suppose. For what it's worth, I won't be drinking it again.

I don't know WHAT the fuck was wrong with me today. I walked two blocks to the ATM, back one block for the convenience store for this supercaffeine and then back to the apartment. I haven't been outdoors since. I'm jogging my ass to the Space Needle tomorrow. Or maybe take the bus out there and jog back.


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