Friday, July 01, 2005

Standard Whining

I think it's safe to say that recently Ice Climber has been in a creative sinkhole. Of course, many readers out there are just itching to say "Sh*t, this whole site is a creative sinkhole! What's the URL for Dooce?" Hell, I don't know. I took it off my links. I'm sure there's something interesting on Plastic, though.

It's important, I think, to understand the purpose of this website. Still, there's a hobby mentality surrounding it for me. Ice Climber is like a Tamagotchi or like that episode when I was nine and I had a tiny potted cactus; it's just an examination of yourself to see if you can make the egg hatch or, in the case of the cactus, have the willpower to keep from watering it. I just couldn't fathom a plant that needed no watering...for weeks! One day I broke down and watered the cactus. I did it out of love; it was in order to save the thing from withering away even though it showed no signs of dehydration. Anyway, the cactus died the next day...isn't it ironic? Ice Climber has been going on for well over a year, so maybe I shouldn't worry too much about creative lulls because they've certainly happened before. Somehow, though, I'd like to make it bigger and better...or just have it serve a higher purpose. I can't say anything definitively just yet, but I think before long there may be some sort of transformation.


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