Tuesday, May 31, 2005

Check It Out

Did I already apologize for disappearing for two weeks? If not, then a big "My bad" to all of the lovely people that read Ice Climber. You know how it is sometimes. There's no theme to this page, nothing perpetual or consistent to fall back on for material. Since the posts are generally about me, I think my willingness to post hinges upon how I feel at the moment. And, I guess for the last two weeks I've just felt uninspired. But "uninspiration" is a dangerous thing. Not being inspired to write my thesis for the past six months is why I didn't have it completed on May 19, when it was due. Perhaps it has taken two weeks for me to come to terms with the fact that finishing graduate school actually requires a great deal of effort. In any event, it's time to get back on track, which includes sharing curious anecdotes and sensationalizing myself (NEVER!!) through this incredible blog. So, uh...off we go.

Check it...I'm totally finishing my master's project this summer. It's about the motivations of underrepresented students in the sciences (and their implications on diversity in higher education)! This isn't going to be some groundbreaking document, but the investigation on diversity tends to focus on the background and socioeconomic (such a university word) characteristics of students. What about the student's thinking? One thing that has been illuminated from a few interviews so far is that people perceive the sciences as where the $$ is. I mean, if you want that SL500 and you're not an entertainer, how are you gonna get it? Well, evidently lots of minorities take business, so there's that. Otherwise, it's physics, dammit.

Hey, take a look...it's June! I'll hit you all later.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thank you!
[url=http://orosfqbd.com/ohwv/elhj.html]My homepage[/url] | [url=http://nnltvxdy.com/tduw/qubk.html]Cool site[/url]

9:21 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well done!
http://orosfqbd.com/ohwv/elhj.html | http://tugsdznx.com/fdti/gony.html

9:22 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well done!
http://orosfqbd.com/ohwv/elhj.html | http://tugsdznx.com/fdti/gony.html

9:24 PM  

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