Tuesday, April 19, 2005

Bit O' Weekend

Let me first say that last weekend's class field trip to the Olympic Mountains was, in a word, money. That's money as in a whole lot of it spent on rain gear, etc., as described in a previous post. It's money as in the $25 I spent at a Mexican restaurant the first night, the $33 I spent at a steakhouse the second night and an amount spent on beer at the grocery store that I don't wish to disclose at this time. God, I like to spend money. But, perhaps most importantly, the trip was money in that it was totally valuable, totally enjoyable and I'm totally ready to do it again. Dig?? I got a crash course in forestry, chilled out with some amphibians, met a few very nice people and my cheap equipment survived the excursion.

Unfortunately, the big play is tomorrow and with so much preparation for it I haven't had time to savor the memory of the weekend. Plus, I have no photos because I can't seem to figure out how to upload the images from the damn school-loaned camera and it is due back today. They threaten to bar future equipment borrowing for three months if you return your borrowed items late, so it is a choice between no photos for this trip or none for the next three. I envision an electronics tutorial in my near future.

On Tuesday during the day I'll play host to our performer and this evening I will MC the show, so there's a ton happening tomorrow that I should probably get to bed. To be quite honest, though, I'm most excited because I get to check out a Chevy Suburban from the university's motor pool. I've never driven an SUV before. I've never driven in Seattle before. And if you think I'm turning THAT thing back in a split-second before the motherfucker is due then I don't know what blog you've been reading all this time.

Ho ho! Check it out!! I just figured out the camera! Here are photos. I'm gonna hit the sack. Wish me luck tomorrow!

It's a newt. Must remember what type before midterms roll around.

It's a salamander. Ditto on the ID deadline.

Behind Devon, Victoria, myself and that guy on the right is a 200-foot drop.

Even human structures can't hide the beauty of earthforms.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dude, aren't those things poisonous?

11:01 PM  
Blogger whatupthen said...

According to my class notes:

"Rough-Skinned Newt - dry, granular skin, brown-reddish, 8" long, EXTREMELY TOXIC, orange ventrally, SAME TOXIN AS PUFFER FISH, MOST POISONOUS AMPHIBIAN, YOU WILL DIE. Metamorphoses yearly from terrestrial to aquatic forms."

But, don't worry, I totally washed my hands after holdiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii

1:35 AM  

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