Saturday, May 15, 2004

The Professor and the Video

Rose still has my Justin Timberlake CD. Believe it or not, I really want to listen to that right now.

I've been in school for a long time now. I'm certainly a veteran of college and the American educational process. But I absolutely must overcome my irrational aversion to professors. Are other people the same way? Does anyone else skip all office hours, avoid their professors in the hallway and sweat bullets during the advisor meetings? It's irrational because even when I know I'll be received warmly and positively there's this fear of somehow being chastised. Maybe this is part of something larger...

You know, I held off for days but then I actually watched that beheading video of the civilian. The blurriness of the footage made it not so graphic, but the images and the concept and the knowledge that this previously fantastical act was being forced on a real person is, well...disturbing. Did shit like this happen before? I don't mean atrocities committed against innocent people or making an example of someone. I mean the gleefulness and desire for the spotlight the perpetrators must have had to carry out such a process. So much has changed in such a short time. I'm only 23 but I have to ask what this world is coming to.

I know you were right, Raquel. But I'm still shocked that "revengeful" is a word.


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