Friday, May 14, 2004

The Pride and the Shame

Yeah, people. I'm like Quincy Jones...Back on the Blog.

While watching the NBA playoffs I saw an update of that Coors commercial on accomplishments. Well, it's really on buying beer, but you know what I mean. It shows a bunch of former Sigma Chi or Lambda Gamma or Skaggs Alpha Beta guys telling you, the beer-buyer, how proud they are for "accomplishments" like buying tacos or nailing their friend's Mom. But it got me thinking about dumb things I'm shamefully proud of (Is that an oxymoron?). They include:

- throwing a guy's bike into a lake
- breaking my foot and not seeking medical care
- jogging 50 blocks after midnight in S.F. to catch the last half-hour of a birthday party

Damn, this list sucks. There must be more. To be continued.

It's interesting the qualities I'm saying I'm proud of here. The first one conveys anger, the second one conveys toughness and the last one suggests endurance. Is that just me? Is shameful pride a masculine thing? Does the shameful pride women feel about their accomplishments involve looking and acting tough or does it involve something else? Think. Discuss. Reveal. I'm out.

Okay, it may not have been broken but it was really fucked up.


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